Fried Chicken

I have been reading The Help this week by Kathryn Stockett. I expected the book to be addicting but what I didn't expect was the burning desire to crave the food mentioned in the novel. I have never made fried chicken before but I have watched my gramma do it. Well when I say that I have watched her do it I mean that I have one memory of her cooking fried chicken on a summer evening, not actually seeing what she did to the chicken. So when Minny Jackson rattled off her instructions on how she made fried chicken I took a permanent mental note. Buttermilk, paprika, cayenne pepper, salt, pepper, flour, and Crisco.

Here we are:

Fried chicken
Fried potatoes

I'm not going to lie, I had planned corn casserole instead of the standard corn side dish but I forgot to put in the oven and it takes about 45 minutes.

Not hard at all! Only patience is required. I think next time I'll tone down the cayenne however!

~ Angela O'