Platform Beds... Still Confused

Really, I just do not understand all of the rage for platform beds these days.  Why?  Who would really want one.  They are less expensive (most of the time) because you are not required to have a box spring, but is there a reason you want to be low to the ground?  Perhaps, it would be good for an adolescent, but when you become of age and are ready to play house...still?  Yes, you can opt to have the dresser drawer option underneath of the mattress which solves the height issue.  That style would make sense to me, a nice way to stow and go.  But aside from the stylish and space-saving option under the platform, I still just do not get platform beds for adults.  Ew.

I'd be happy to entertain opinions as to why platform beds are a benefit.  Maybe you can change my mind and I'll go buy one.  I am in the market for a new bedroom set.  Any rebels?

~Angela O'