
6 Tips to Avert a Turkey Day Disaster (Pets)

This information is actually from a Tomlinson's email, but the 6 tips are great and I wanted to share them with anyone who has a pet this holiday season.  Happy Thanksgiving!  ~Angela O'

6 Tips to Avert a Turkey Day Disaster

As you gather ‘round the table this Thanksgiving Thursday, your furrier family members will likely be licking their chops close by. Yes, their sad eyes are near impossible to deny, and thankfully, you don’t always have to. You can share some leftovers guilt-free by following these few tips:

1. No Bones About It
Dogs, and especially cats, are made to eat meat, so it’s ok to give them a few scraps of the meal’s main event, be it turkey, beef, pork or any other protein. Just be sure any pieces are clear of bones that could splinter and is fully cooked through to avoid salmonella contamination.

2. Not Much Thyme
Herbs like sage, rosemary, and thyme can cause gastrointestinal problems and central nervous system depression to pets if eaten in large quantities. Cats are especially sensitive to the effects of certain essential oils, so keep your feline family members off the herbs.

3. No Raw Dough 
According to ASPCA experts, when raw bread dough is eaten, an animal’s body heat causes the dough to rise in his stomach. As it expands, the pet may experience vomiting, severe abdominal pain and bloating, which could become life-threatening and require surgery. Skip the trip to the emergency vet and deny your pet the dough.

4. Careful with Uncooked Desserts
Even pets know that the pumpkin pie and spice cake is the best part. But if the batter contains raw eggs, keep your pet’s snout out of the scraps—they could contain salmonella bacteria that may lead to food poisoning. Chances of salmonella contamination can be reduced by purchasing the freshest eggs.

5. Too Much of a Good Thing
It may be tradition to stuff your face, but don’t allow your pets to overindulge, lest they get an stomach upset, diarrhea or even worse—an inflammatory condition of the pancreas known as pancreatitis. Aim to keep pets on their regular diets during the holidays.

6. Make ‘Em Work for It
Make your pets earn their reward by stuffing any leftovers you give them into toys like Kongs or Busy Buddies. This will keep their bodies and minds active, spurring brain development. It will also keep them occupied during dinner so they’re not poking their noses in the wrong places under the table.