High School

Diploma Sentiments and Surprises

Tonight I sat down to find a post on my Facebook feed that blew my mind.  It was from Kristy (McCario) Andrews one of my old classmates from Hillsboro High School..  She posted this with the intent for everyone that went to school at HHS to see something they had never known to look for:

"HHS Grads: I found out today that Mr. Ackerman would write notes to students on the back of their diplomas, so I came home today and checked the back of mine. Yep! There was a note from Mr. A. that said, "Kristy, Good luck at SIUE." I had no clue it was there! You might want to check the back of yours!!! :)"

Immediately after reading this Facebook post I had the strongest urge to find my hs diploma.  Mind you that I was in the middle of 4 other projects and should not have added anything else to my plate but I just went into  full mission mode and instantly dropped all other tasks.  I dug under my king size bed for what felt like ever and then had to have my husband come dig out the remainder, lol.

To my utter disbelief there was a handwritten note from our school principal Mr. Ackerman addressed to me!  It said "Angela Congratulations Best of Luck. Mr. A."  And to make this much more crazy, I did not even receive my diploma until the late spring of 2012 (yes 11 years after I graduated high school). Long story short I had called HHS just this past year to say I had never received it and they found it and had it shipped to Austin, Texas. Never would I have known to look without Kristy's post. Thank you Mr. Ackerman for being a thoughtful and sentimental high school principal. It was a nice surprise that none of us would have appreciated until we had long been out of school!!  And in light of many recent catastrophic school and societal events that hurt our nation this really does positively impact our hearts a little more.  

Please HHS grads, comment and share your note from Mr. A.