
Pajama Secrets

Do you love those very adorable and flashy pajamas from Victoria Secret?  I sure do.  But I always have two problems when going for them.  

1.  Sizing in sets is always a problem.
2.  The expense adds up quick, leaving you to only purchase one pair. 

Well I've got the solution for you.  Shop the Victoria's Secret outlet and get the pajamas you want for around $12.99 per piece.  Since it is per piece you are able to choose the size of each item you want to wear.  No more baggy tops to fit your too slender bottoms!  

A full price set at the retail store will run you about $50.00 so by utilizing the outlet you gain two assets.  Perfect sizing and a 50% discount!  What a score!

My favorite outlet is in Orlando, Florida on International Drive.  I do venture to the San Marcos, Texas outlet every now and then.  But if you stock up on PJ's in one visit you are probably set for awhile.

~Angela O'

Austin Fashion Week 2014

A few snapshots with designers and local radio personalities.  I also had the pleasure of being around Daniel Esquivel (Project Runway All Stars Season 3 & Project Runway Season 11) and Mychael Knight (Project Runway Season 3) even though I  have no snapshots to prove it.  It was amazing to witness Daniel Esquivel work through the last minutes on his sewing machine, up close and personal just before showtime.  Jessica Faith Marshall from Dallas, Texas designs Faith by Jessica.  Her jumpsuit collection is amazing.  She presented this year in Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week.  Oh yeah...she is only 14 years old, designing since seven!

Designer Korto Momolu (Project Runway Season 5 Runner Up) & Angela O'

Designers Korto Momolu and Jessica Faith Marshall

Angela O' and Designer Michelle Lesniak (Project Runway Season 11)

Designer Ross Bennett & Angela O'

Designer Ross Bennett & Angela O' - This picture we are showing off the shoes!

Angela O' and Designer Jessica Faith Marshall

Clear Channel's KASE 101 Anne Hudson and Angela O'

Clear Channel's KISS 96.7 EJ and Angela O'

With Love, With Angela O'

Cedar Sachets to Protect Your Clothes

John and I have been purchasing cedar blocks and balls for our closets and dresser drawers for over a year now and none of them seem to actually keep out the moths.  We have been replacing them and sanding them to refresh the scent but it never lasts.  So this time we decided to make our own cedar sachets.  Yes it does save money because over time you won't have to continuously replace the supplies by purchasing all new products but we did not chosse this method to save money alone.  We were tired of the hassle and our clothes not being protected.  Try this and see how it works.  So far it has worked for us.

Supplies Needed:

*10 inch tulle circles
*1/8 inch Ribbon (Spool)

Just use one circle, put a small handful of cedar shavings in the center, and tie up with ribbon


*Get 10 inch tulle circles from the craft store in a 25 pack for only $3.00.  Choose any color you wish.  I used the Gold Rush because I felt that it was the most versatile.  This method is a lot easier than purchasing tulle by the yard in the fabric department.  This way you do not have to worry about cutting the tulle down to the dimensions you need.

*The 1/8 inch ribbon brand Berwick Offray is great for this project and very inexpensive.  Again a wide array of colors to choose from to coordinate with the look you are trying to achieve.

*We ended up purchasing our cedar chips from Petsmart at $7.49.  25 sachets worth barely dented the bag.  You are better off getting with a few friends to split the bag so that you don't have so much left over.  Remember that although this a very cost effective way the primary reason to make your own cedar sachets is so that the cedar scent lasts longer and the repellent is most effective against moths and other insects.

* Tie up the sachets in your closet or tie the ribbon into a bow for those that will sit inside your dresser drawer. 
These are the pre-made blocks we have purchased in the store but after a few days to few weeks are useless

Products I Love - Cosmetics

I wanted to share some of the cosmetic products that I  LOVE using daily!

1.  Long Last Glosswear SPF 15 in Fireberry by Clinique 
Love:  My lips stay so soft when I use this lip gloss.  I was very surprised to find out that I don't have an allergy flare up after using this with my extremely sensitive lips.  The fireberry color is a gorgeous touch to any outfit.  Totally glams you up without any effort. 
Downfall: Well I've gone through two wands and nothing so far. 
 Approximately $15.00

2. High Impact Curling Mascara in black by Clinique
Love: Thanks to this warm-water removal formula this is the only mascara that does not run down my face.  Within 30 minutes of putting on other mascara formulas I look like a raccoon and my eyes furiously burn.  
 Downfall:  The curved brush is a challenge since I have natural, super curly eyelashes.  I would really appreciate a straight brush version to lessen the morning mistakes.
Approximately $16.00

3. Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief by Clinique
Love:  My skin feels comfortable all day long.  I have seriously combination skin where half is a patch of break out and the other half is seriously dry.  It is completely asymmetrical and there is no boundary line for either side of the fence.  This moisturizer makes my face feel balanced throughout the entire day.  No additional breakouts and definitely a lot less dryness.  A little product goes a long way.  
Downfall:  I wish there was more product in the pot for the price point.  Now compared to other high-end brands it isa steal-of-a-deal but since I use it twice-a-day I do wish I got more.  Fortunately, I can get an approximate 3 months use out a 1.7 ounce pot.
Approximately $37.00 to $50.00

4. High Impact Lip Color in Red-Y To Wear by Clinique
Love: Can I just say that this is the very first time in my 28 year living history that I have found a lipstick that I feel comfortable and in-my-own skin wearing?  And this is the very first lipstick that my sensitive lips don't fuss over.  This particular color has a great blue undertone so that it is a truly classic red lip.  Excellent in the winter for both color and comfort.  Of course the best way to wear this is fill in your lips with the Quickliner for Lips in Rich Red by Clinique so that it your look will last longer.  
Downfall:  Well...I get a compliment every day that I use this color so I have no qualm.
Approximately $15.00

5. Rainbath Refreshing Shower and Bath Gel in Original by Neutrogena
Love: The fragrance.  It brings me back to my childhood summers (as young as five) when I spent vacations with my Aunt Shirley.  I strongly remember thinking she was a cool, single woman in the 1980's who owned her own house and was a fitness guru.  I felt so good when I got to use her special shower gel.  Now I get to indulge regularly always leaving my skin so soft and a lingering scent the entire day.
Downfall: Can be expensive for a shower gel.  Purchase the larger size to get more for your money.  Use a discount card/coupon for places like Ulta.  Utilize your Costco membership to snag the 40 ounce for as low as $12.00 - $17.00.  Even check out Nordstroms Rack who has been know to carry this lush goodie front and center.
Approximately $8.00 to $27.00

6. The Morroccan Oil Collection
Love: The way my hair looks and feels.  I have naturally curly hair and during the humid summer  it can be especially treacherous.  The shampoo and conditioner smell great and make my hair much more manageable.  The Curl Defining Cream actually does define my curls like no other product I have used before.  I don't have to add any other styling product to my curls such as mousse when I use it.
Downfall:  Pricepoint but if the saying is "You pay for what you get" then it should be applied to the Moroccan Oil.
Approximately: $20.00 per bottle 

Update on 11/21/2012:
Regarding #6 Morroccan Oil Collection.  
Over the course of 1.5 months I have been trying to mend my hair after a Keratin disaster which ruined my hair.  This was a no chemical treatment that only used goat protein so it should have been fine but was horrible.   The Keratin treatment took place in June but I had been on the mend since.  Well I finally thought I was getting somewhere but wasn't sure because my hair kept falling out into chunks when I would comb it, and I could only comb wet with conditioner or I couldn't comb it at all.  I decided to take a 1.5 month break from the Morroccan oil and use other products and miraculously my hair immediately showed improvement.  This past weekend I decided to use the Morroccan Oil Collection again and it was awful.  I had a thick chunk of hair with the circumference the size of the palm of my hand come out.  So after having $100 of product sitting in my shower I have now decided it is NOT worth the use and destroying my hair.  While I had a horrible time with the keratin treatment drying out and frizzing up my hair more, the Morroccan Oil Collection literally has been removing my hair from my head!!!  Don't waste your money on this product.  It is horrible for you.

Bitter is the New Black: Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-centered, Smart-ass, Or, why You Should Never Carry a Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office : a Memoir

I just finished reading (actually listening) to this book.  It was hilarious but I mostly enjoyed Jen Lancaster's tart and truthful commentary.  Not that I would ever publicly shred someone or something at that level it was still fun to read.  Being that I have a one) have a fashion background  and 2) grew up in Illinois it was easy to relate to some of the scenarios that were applied in the book.  Of course there were very heartfelt moments when Jen realized that she had to give up the material things to take care of her depressed husband or when she took the greyhound bus to be by her injured mother's side.

Every chapter that she wrote I related to in some way whether it was how people addressed me or navigating through the tough economy.  It was definitely worth the read.  It is likely the person who reads this book is going to know that it is was written as memoir when they pick it up but I had no idea until the epilogue!!

Meeting Tim Gunn

Aright! Meeting Tim Gunn was phenomenal!! Probably the best that anyone could have imagined. You know how brutally honest Tim can be (thankfully he can be honest to help you out of your rut). He will tell you if he absolutely does not like something, and vice verse. He said to me.... I love your style from head to toe (thank goodness b/c i never wear my hair curly anymore since I'm in that awkward in between stage from an extreme chic bob to long hair). He even had me do the twirl!!! Thank goodness to my senses as I woke this morning!! Thank goodness to the Texas air for being a cool 75 degrees so that I could where a great outfit. Praise to my navy plaid Sperry Topsiders, BDG Men's skinny denim, charcoal brown lace v-neck tank with super cinched waist on the derriere which was hugged by my blue floral textured jacket and topped off with a long gold and pearl necklace and a vintage Timex wristwatch from my Gramma's generation. He was happily thrilled when I let him in on my little secret that I was wearing men's skinny jeans. He praised on the runway that men should not be afraid to wear women's clothes appropriately and vice-verse. As long as it looks good! He stated that more should do it. Check back for my album to see if you spot some same pieces on both the boy/girl models.