
Not Having Children till after your 30 is a Very Valid, Healthy, and Modern Decision

1) It's not just about you being ready to have children it is about you being ready to bring children into this society.  This world is rough.  People are down right nasty just because they can be and because they have the right to be.  When you bring a child into this new world you have to be ready to teach them how to stand up for themselves, how to protect themselves, and how to get along with individuals who are not willing to be considerate of others.

2) It is just rude to ask or pry or to pressure.  Whether you are or you are not related by blood.  The only people who should bring up the discussion are the future mother-to-be and the future father-to-be.  Period.  Not future grandparents, not strangers, not co-workers.  I remember being antagonized by some of my office co-workers when working in Orlando, Florida.  Some of them were just down right rude at the lunch table and did not have respect for the individual who would have to carry or support the baby.  Absolutely disrespectful to the individual.

3) Anyone who says that "You'll never be financially ready to have a baby if that's what your waiting for" can just shove it.  There smart ass comments or I know better attitude really isn't going to get you anywhere.  The truth is yes you can be financially ready.  Granted you may not be able to own your own home or have a trust fund lying around but when you are financially ready you will know it.  It is part of piece of mind.  It could be something as simple as you starting your own savings account, or reaching the $ amount in your savings account that you have desired.  Or it could be that you finally have secured your time in a career position that is at a great up-swing and that you feel comfortable taking maternity leave without uprooting the project or just knowing you can return to your position.  Quite frankly those people who want to be condescending or laugh at your desire to be "financially ready" can just shove it because they are most likely sore that they were not were they wanted to be.   Not everyone has to follow the same path, individuals make their own path.  Whatever is right for them and their family.

4) There have been so many technological and scientific advances that really there is no more to be worried about the baby or mommy's health.  So many ways to correct a problem.  If you feel like your time is later then no one should scream at you that your child is going to have Down Syndrome.  And no that is not a joke, someone really did rudely poke their head into a conversation I was privately having with my Gramma and screamed aloud "Your child is going to end up with Down Syndrome".  Yes I was ticked. Certainly because DS is not something to throw around lightly.  The truth of the matter is that there are so many environmental illnesses out there (cancer, autoimmune problems, etc) that you and your child will always be facing something.  Why not face it together when you are strong-minded and strong-willed.  My doctor is smart enough to acknowledge this so oldies, live a little and don't be a Debbie Downer because negativism is even worse for the child's health!

You Have No Right To Meddle

I've come across a lot of discussions regarding individuals or couples trying to meddle in someone else's birthing practices.  Specifically, the naming of the child.  Let's set the record straight.  Unless you are the parent who is physically giving birth or the other parent who physically conceived the kid that will be born you have absolutely zero right to meddle or get mad about the identification title of the child.

This goes for mothers and fathers of the carrying couple or individual, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or anyone on the street.  Now, everyone has an opinion and one should learn how to politely offer their opinion to the carrying couple/individual in a non-aggressive way so that it is on the table.  This includes hostile or passive aggressive.  And be done.  Period.  Don't excessively complain to another soul about what that couple/individual is naming their child.  It is sick and annoying and just darn disrespectful to the two who will be responsible for raising their child.  

Some of you may say, "well what if that name has been in our family for years??  Well then that should be an exception??"  NOT!  Zero exception.  Unless you are carrying that child in your abdomen or have conceived that child you have zero say.  Period.  Now I will be up front and tell you that I have married into a family where the Irish bloodline is strong and the names are stronger.  The men share not only the first, last and suffix but the middle name as well.  The only, and I mean thee absolutely ONLY way that it is acceptable to chose the carrying on of the name is if that the carrying or conceiving parent desires to pass it on.  If both of them say "over my dead body" then you better believe it and back down because it is not your child.  I am absolutely positive that individuals in my family are reading this post, and are moments away from fainting or blowing a gasket.  Well you can rest assured that my husband and I have chosen to continue the male succession when the time comes for the fourth to reign.  But regardless, it doesn't change the facts at hand.  If we had chosen to be done with the naming game then everyone else would have no choice but to respect that. Period.

It is the same principal if one gets irritated that a child did not get named after their mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, or any other member of their extended family.  If you did not conceive or carry the child then you have zero right to meddle.  Please be respectful of the parent-to-be and learn to support them rather than be a negative-being.

This has happened so many times in front of my eyes that it is sickening.  It's not like you have an indirect relationship with the people and will never meet their creation so think before you speak.

P.S.  If there is one parent who wants to carry on a family name and parent two does not, then they have to work it out for themselves.  In an ideal world, parent two would honor the wishes of parent one and just be respectful and caring of the sentiment.  However, if it is not resolved and parent two wins the situation....Leave it Alone! Unless you are: Parent One or Parent Two!