
Priorities. Family. Doing What is Right for You.

To preface this post I want to give you some background.  This entry was originally written last January.  January 17, 2014 to be exact.  It has since been tweaked to focus on the upcoming holidays as opposed to the referencing of the past holidays which was in the original writing.  The exact moment I went to hit publish in blogger, my iPad cut and auto-saved.  I was ticked beyond believe and some of my followers got to witness the following moments of my disappointment and pain as it deleted everything.  So I immediately rewrote and was so frustrated that I couldn't bring myself to re-post that same night.  I planned to go forward with publishing after a few days went by in order for me to breathe it out.  Certainly, the original writing had much more of an impact and was much more deep...but seriously who can bring that out of thin air twice.  The woes of journalism. Then on January 22, 2014 at 7:30 a.m. my world changed forever and this blog really hit home.  The most important person, my very favorite and most cherished person of my entire 30 years of existence died.  My Gramma.  This blog and several others were put on hold.  It became a situation of excuses, oh well I just don't know what is the best title now (specifically for this one), or this such & such, or oh that such & such.  Shortly, after my Gramma left us my dearest friend found out her mother was suffering from very advanced cancer.  So much has happened this year and for the first time in 31 years of my life I experienced what most feel like on a regular basis.  I couldn't be me.  Just me and do what I do best.  I always bring my A game, 300%, I am over the top and I love my naturally creative-self.  But this year was a struggle.  I have never, never, never been able to empathize with someone or anyone commenting "well it is a lot you take on" or "it's too much to do" because I have never had a road block of energy or effort-resistance in my entire life.  It has always been an insult for someone to say that to me because it meant they didn't take the time to know me.  Well now, I have experienced it.  I see what it is like.  In August, I finally realized that seven months had passed by and I was not Angela....I certainly wasn't Angela O'.  Now I am back and I am loving it.  So here is that heart felt blog that was originally to publish in January 2014.  It is far from being the best that it was but I don't fail to present.


The holidays are coming up and the biggest pressure that is put on a couple during the season of greetings is dealing with the stress of family members.  Both those by marriage and by blood.  It seems to have been a bit of a taboo topic in recent past but one that has generated enough discussion for society to admit that it has become a serious source of discomfort for new and long-time couples.

{Original: Now that the holidays have passed} We can openly discuss some of the pressures that come along with vacations and holidays.  Or simply put, the demands.  The demands induced by family, the spouse, or your own personal requirements and goals.  The demands to spend time with each and every person or to in fact spend the holidays with only "the other family".

The solution to this headache is to commit to two separate setups.  No one has the right to pressure or guilt you into your choice because it is not wrong.  There should be no reason that this would cause a riff with your in-laws.  It should only cause appreciation that you are willing to share your significant other and recognition that you can allow him/her to to have freedom from being around you 24/7.  It is okay to share and to be shared with your family and their family.  You will soon enough be going back home to your couple status to conduct business as usual.  The purpose of this blog is to share the words and emotions to let you know it is okay. You are not the only one caught in the middle and wondering what to do.  And this isn't something new, just never openly discussed.

It is hard enough taking time off of work and coordinating your spouse's career schedule along with having to divvy out the cash to make an anticipated trip.  You should be able to cherish those special bonds and relationships with the people who mean the most, knowing that you are on limited time.  So if it means that you visit your parents while he visits his parents during the holiday season, that is okay.  Truth be told it is however you are comfortable.  And the true reason is because we don't have a very long life and our elders have a lesser length of time so why do we want to miss out on what we can partake in. 

Two family members of mine, a couple that are very experienced in marriage and even mathematically wiser in age would make regular visits to Illinois.  They would pack up their one vehicle and drive for 19 hours to visit family.  Both sets of parents lived in rural towns approximately 30 minutes from one another.  However, the wife would choose to spend the nights with her mom and the husband would choose to spend the nights with his mom.  It was fair to both of them.  While they saw each other during the day sharing various activities on their calendars they knew in their heart what was comfortable to each of them and where their heart called home each night.

The second couple grew up in a neighboring Midwest state but did not meet and marry until both moved far away.  Occasionally, they would make trips to see both of their families over the holidays. When the time came they were confident enough to go their separate ways and each stay with his/her own parents.  A couple hours distance was between them both, but their hearts never faltered for one another.  

Another Midwestern couple who moved far away to better their career and livelihood would still make regular trips to their hometown.  Both of their parents believe it or not, lived only blocks from one another.  You might assume that this would make their stay so much easier.  But the fact of the matter is that sharing time and relationships is never easy-peasy-Japanesey.  For several years, the couple would spend their nights slumber with only one parent and during the day spread out their affection with everyone.  Suddenly, this year they decided to transition into a bit of a family split.  She stayed spent the nights with her parents, and he spent the nights with his.  It just made for ease of visiting everyone with the best quality time as possible.  The sweetest couple you will ever know made a tough decision that was just the best thing for the couple.  Oh yeah, and they had a baby!

The truth is that you have to do what is right in your heart for you.  Spending the time with your family and friends who were a great part of your life.  Whether it be your bestest friend, grandmother, grandfather, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, or group of best friendsThose bonds and relationships will be forever important and when you became an adult you don't get to encounter them the same way as you did in childhood.  You never know when that opportunity will be permanently taken away from you.  No one should give you any grief, guilt or pressure based on your decisions.  Not parents, step-parents, in-laws, or whoever because you are the adult of your existence.  Period.  

With Love, 

Angela O'

Snails for You


One of my favorite things to do is to send letters to all my friends and family that have local stickers plastered all over them.  Any time I visit one of my favorite places I grab some of their free stickers.  I usually tell the company what I'm up to and they have always been happy to hand them right over.  It's so much fun to share my favorite spots!!!  I have so many.

With Angela O'


BabyWatch - O'nly Glamorous for Our Future Offspring

In passing, both online and physical I have heard quite a few ladies complain of nice baby gear.  Specifically, making fun of the baby product and decor from places like Restoration Hardware, Pottery Barn and other high-end retailers.  True that the items can be rather expensive for someone who is going to quickly become too big for them but still they are so beautiful.  However, none of those women complained about the price, they were complaining about the type of parent that would actually have a nursery that looks so fancy-pants.  Whether or not they believed their personal parent category was "super-mom" or "anti-mom", it had no relevance on the topic.

It is honestly no surprise that I have had a Pinterest board that circles around little ones and families for years.  The way I like to create, organize, plan and share...Why would you expect anything else?!  It doesn't matter if it is for my best-est of friends, nieces, nephews or eventually us.

But what a lot of people don't know is that I have never been a fan of traditionally cutesy baby things.  I am happy for all those out there who do like the traditional style because that is what makes that person happy and that parent will know what is best for their baby.  But for me...let's set the record straight before it all starts.  When envisioning our future little ones duckies, buggies, and baby animals just are not going to be a highlight in our nursery.  Seriously, dump the little price and princess talk. 

Our future babies will be beautiful, bold, glamorous, tough, and handsome. They will be the diamonds, opals, pearls and onyxes of our eye and their nursery should reflect that. They will be Emperors and Empresses, Dukes and Duchesses.  So forget to swallowing pastels and bring in the deep colors, mix it up a little.  

Honestly, that goes for any baby gathering as well...showers, what have you.  Oh please, it has got to be tasteful.  Not a fan of stuff thrown together.

Call me pretentious if you want at least I know what I like. (And at least I don't hate on other mothers who don't match my sense of style)

~ With Angela O'


Dark Colors!!!

For Such a Picky Eater: Eating Brains

Photo courtesy of of Jeff Hart's bookcover

For such a picky eater I have consumed quite an interesting array of foods in my life.

Pumpkin Blossoms
Lamb Fries (a.k.a. Rocky Mountain Oysters)
Pig Brains
Cow Brains
Bear (In the form of stew)
Dandelion Tea
Morel "Sponge" Mushrooms

Yes it is true. Brains, now considered a delicacy by some while most of the population considers them foul. As a child, I ate them fried for breakfast as a side to my scrambled or soft fried eggs.  At the time delish!  As I got older I couldn't handle the flavor any longer and have not touched them since.

The bear was cooked in a stew and was very similar to pot roast except that it had a much more coarse texture than beef.  Simply it would just require getting used to the texture to enjoy.  I can't remember for sure but I believe it was either Brown Bear or Black Bear.

The wonderful Summer of Dandelion tea!  Oh how fond I am of that memory.  Our family friend Rose Penary brought some over one day and then that summer my Gramma and I would dig dandelions so that Paw-Paw (and of course myself and her too!) could enjoy it.  It was so much fun.

Morels are one of my favorite foods of all time.  You know the mushrooms that sell anywhere between $45.00 to $100.00 per fresh pound each year or up to $200.00 per dehydrated pound.  Yup, those.  They were so abundant in Illinois during my childhood that they were considered a major food source for April.   They were also considered a delicacy however, because you physically hunted for them yourselves and they were usually only available for two to four weeks.  Apparently, if you had just the perfect season they might be available for up to eight weeks but I have never experienced that phenomenon. After April showers the sun would come out and heat up the ground and up would pop the yummy fungi.  Some of my best memories are of Paw-Paw and Gramma hunting and preparing the morels with me.

With Angela O'

Not Having Children till after your 30 is a Very Valid, Healthy, and Modern Decision

1) It's not just about you being ready to have children it is about you being ready to bring children into this society.  This world is rough.  People are down right nasty just because they can be and because they have the right to be.  When you bring a child into this new world you have to be ready to teach them how to stand up for themselves, how to protect themselves, and how to get along with individuals who are not willing to be considerate of others.

2) It is just rude to ask or pry or to pressure.  Whether you are or you are not related by blood.  The only people who should bring up the discussion are the future mother-to-be and the future father-to-be.  Period.  Not future grandparents, not strangers, not co-workers.  I remember being antagonized by some of my office co-workers when working in Orlando, Florida.  Some of them were just down right rude at the lunch table and did not have respect for the individual who would have to carry or support the baby.  Absolutely disrespectful to the individual.

3) Anyone who says that "You'll never be financially ready to have a baby if that's what your waiting for" can just shove it.  There smart ass comments or I know better attitude really isn't going to get you anywhere.  The truth is yes you can be financially ready.  Granted you may not be able to own your own home or have a trust fund lying around but when you are financially ready you will know it.  It is part of piece of mind.  It could be something as simple as you starting your own savings account, or reaching the $ amount in your savings account that you have desired.  Or it could be that you finally have secured your time in a career position that is at a great up-swing and that you feel comfortable taking maternity leave without uprooting the project or just knowing you can return to your position.  Quite frankly those people who want to be condescending or laugh at your desire to be "financially ready" can just shove it because they are most likely sore that they were not were they wanted to be.   Not everyone has to follow the same path, individuals make their own path.  Whatever is right for them and their family.

4) There have been so many technological and scientific advances that really there is no more to be worried about the baby or mommy's health.  So many ways to correct a problem.  If you feel like your time is later then no one should scream at you that your child is going to have Down Syndrome.  And no that is not a joke, someone really did rudely poke their head into a conversation I was privately having with my Gramma and screamed aloud "Your child is going to end up with Down Syndrome".  Yes I was ticked. Certainly because DS is not something to throw around lightly.  The truth of the matter is that there are so many environmental illnesses out there (cancer, autoimmune problems, etc) that you and your child will always be facing something.  Why not face it together when you are strong-minded and strong-willed.  My doctor is smart enough to acknowledge this so oldies, live a little and don't be a Debbie Downer because negativism is even worse for the child's health!

Life Changes

I grew up in an abundant family.  On my mother's side alone, 4 aunts, a mother, and a grandmother.  A brother, grandfather, a few uncles and several great aunts and great uncles and a ton of cousins.  My aunts were part of my immediate family, they were part of raising me.  Growing up in this family of Altevogt's and the maiden Traylor was a blessing.  A few changes to the family had happened overtime had happened, some sad and some positive but nothing we couldn't handle.  

Between the ages of 15 and 27 one typically doesn't really understand the placement or meaning of what is around them.  It is a natural phase of life, one that is experienced during the "finding yourself" moment.  Going to college, moving to a new location, getting a job, struggling to make ends meet....yada yada yada.  It's natural.  You love what you have but you don't fully grasp and understand, yet.

Then it happens, you get it.  You cherish every moment that you get to spend with your family and when you look back at those limited times that you visited home your heart is joyous and aching all in one beat.  You realize that you never want those moments to change.  That is when the lightbulb has gone on.  You come to the realization that you understand, you get it.

Finally, I got to that point around the age of 28.  After moving multiple times and starting new paths and completing the obstacle courses that were laid before me my light bulb turned on.  It was at 28, when things became possible.  Taking trips (because now one was at the age were they could used their hard earned funds) to visit those you missed.  Solely because you missed spending time with them.  Planning to just do things because you should experience it.  

Well, it had all just began to come together for that third phase in life.  The enjoyment part.  Two trips under my belt home.  Both short, we were playing catch up.  But both very quality.  Somehow in a 6 month period, I had managed to make it home twice and got to spend time with extremely important people in my life.  However, prior to that I had only been able to complete one trip in a 7 year period.  And that was in phase two of my life, so not great quality because it was in the "finding yourself" stage.  But the next phase was here and it was great.

Just when I got comfortable parking my mind, body and soul in phase three it fell apart.  Starting in November, just 2.5 months after I turned 30 my baby Aunt passed away.  The entire family was heartbroken.  And heartbreak was exactly what it was.  Exactly two and a half months later the apple of my eye, the center of our family, the rock and the peace maker, the one with the best smile and the best heart left us too.  Gramma, also known as Mom.  Our hearts were no longer just broken, they were stabbed, squashed, twisted, chewed and spit out.

My days will never be the same.

With Angela O'

You Have No Right To Meddle

I've come across a lot of discussions regarding individuals or couples trying to meddle in someone else's birthing practices.  Specifically, the naming of the child.  Let's set the record straight.  Unless you are the parent who is physically giving birth or the other parent who physically conceived the kid that will be born you have absolutely zero right to meddle or get mad about the identification title of the child.

This goes for mothers and fathers of the carrying couple or individual, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or anyone on the street.  Now, everyone has an opinion and one should learn how to politely offer their opinion to the carrying couple/individual in a non-aggressive way so that it is on the table.  This includes hostile or passive aggressive.  And be done.  Period.  Don't excessively complain to another soul about what that couple/individual is naming their child.  It is sick and annoying and just darn disrespectful to the two who will be responsible for raising their child.  

Some of you may say, "well what if that name has been in our family for years??  Well then that should be an exception??"  NOT!  Zero exception.  Unless you are carrying that child in your abdomen or have conceived that child you have zero say.  Period.  Now I will be up front and tell you that I have married into a family where the Irish bloodline is strong and the names are stronger.  The men share not only the first, last and suffix but the middle name as well.  The only, and I mean thee absolutely ONLY way that it is acceptable to chose the carrying on of the name is if that the carrying or conceiving parent desires to pass it on.  If both of them say "over my dead body" then you better believe it and back down because it is not your child.  I am absolutely positive that individuals in my family are reading this post, and are moments away from fainting or blowing a gasket.  Well you can rest assured that my husband and I have chosen to continue the male succession when the time comes for the fourth to reign.  But regardless, it doesn't change the facts at hand.  If we had chosen to be done with the naming game then everyone else would have no choice but to respect that. Period.

It is the same principal if one gets irritated that a child did not get named after their mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, or any other member of their extended family.  If you did not conceive or carry the child then you have zero right to meddle.  Please be respectful of the parent-to-be and learn to support them rather than be a negative-being.

This has happened so many times in front of my eyes that it is sickening.  It's not like you have an indirect relationship with the people and will never meet their creation so think before you speak.

P.S.  If there is one parent who wants to carry on a family name and parent two does not, then they have to work it out for themselves.  In an ideal world, parent two would honor the wishes of parent one and just be respectful and caring of the sentiment.  However, if it is not resolved and parent two wins the situation....Leave it Alone! Unless you are: Parent One or Parent Two!

Happy New Year

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and fun 2014.  This last year went out with a bang, so much so that I never found the time to blog the last month of 2013.  We traveled to Houston for a long weekend and enjoyed watching the New England Patriots beat the Houston Texans, visited the Beer Can House, the absolutely terrible Houston Museum of Natural Science, the Houston Museum of Fine Art, NASA where we met very official people and took a small stroll in the underground tunnels of Houston.  The middle of the month our dear and beautiful friend and our amazing 23 month old niece came to visit us in Austin.  It was a blast and a moment that we will cherish forever.  Then Christmas, well the plans that I had for my husband, friends, and adopted family of dogs didn't go over so well as I was struck with the full-blown flu.  Next year!  

A very fond memory I have for celebrating New Year's is the many years that we celebrated at my Gramma and Paw-Paw's house in Illinois.  Every year Gramma and Paw-Paw made a very big deal of the New Year for us by getting Pizza, Mountain Dew, board games and puzzles to celebrate the occasion.  We had so much fun that even my Aunts would come from time to time to enjoy it with us.  Now I know, that in 2014 that may not sound to some like a blast of a celebration but from 1983 to 1997 it was amazing.  I believe that they had a bit of a similar celebration again this New Year's Eve at my 80 year old grandmother's house.

Beer Can House created by John Milkovisch

At the NASA Natural Buoyancy Laboratory
Sitting in the Historic Mission Control Room with David L. Cisco
With Angela O'

Aunt Peggy's Girls Just Want to Have Fun

At the beginning of November something terrible happened and since that time I have taken a break from my blog.  My dearest Aunt Peggy was taken from us very unexpectedly.  We were not prepared to let her go.  She was only 47 years old and from what the world knew, healthy.  I am thankful that she went painless in her sleep.  Aunt Peggy was one of my biggest blog supporters and before I can continue to post blogs I want to post something in honor of her.

Please pretend that Cyndi Lauper is singing "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" in the background.

Before I go on, it is necessary that I share the importance of cardio health.  There have been many unfortunate instances that babies to elderly have been taken from us do to heart attacks, blocked arteries, strokes, etc, etc.  No matter your age, but especially if you are 27 years old and up it is time to start taking measures be in good heart health.  I'm not going to give you the speech about limit your butter (cholesterol) or only eat salads with steamed fish because you know I don't believe in that.  I am a cream and butter girl, but it must be from scratch and not from the box.  What I have to say about cardio health is that you need to have regular doctor check ups regarding any blockages that can come up and randomly cause a stroke or heart attack.  You need to practice cardio excercises for the fun and joyment of your life.  Now is the time to start running (for me) if one has been saying repeatedly over time that they want to work on that project (that is so me :-| ).  

I'm done. No more technical stuff.  Time to enjoy our moments together and to find a way to now share with Aunt Peggy the moments we planned to have together but did not yet get to.

I would love for you to share your comments about Peggy Portwood on this blog.  Please remember to sign your name with your comment.  She deserves it!

Aunt Peggy taught me about:

~MTV (That's right, she was 1980's loving)
~Purple nail polish
~Blue nail polish
~Black nail polish
~That it was okay to only paint the big toe with a fun nail polish shade
~Nintendo and Mario, Princess, and Yoshi
~Domino's Pizza along with Aunt Shirley in the 1980's
~Shopping trips to the mall along with Aunt Shirley in the 1980's
~Caviar (but she wouldn't tell me what it was! Just "something salty")

Aunt Peggy and I have in common:

~We were young and fun and just darn cool
~Our favorite color is purple (she had two favorites: Purple & Green; I'm not going to lie, I'm partial)
~We both liked Care Bears
~Our ink pen priority was and is always purple
~We both liked the Domino's Philly Steak & Cheese Pizza (tho she like the green peppers more than me)

Things I had planned to share with Aunt Peggy but did not get the chance too:

~Casino El Camino (bar with the best burgers on 6th Street in Austin, TX)
~Alamo Drafthouse (An Austin Original)
~Tubing on Canyon Lake (We talked about this a lot)
~2013 Christmas card "Duck Dynasty O'Mahony Style"
~Our portraits from September 2013 (It wasn't about showing off the pic, it was just about being able to share it with her)
~Co-hosting a RAVE (invite only! For u weirdos out there) in her private bar and basement.
~Homemade crepes
~The Highball in Austin, TX
~P.Terry's burger stand (Another Austin Original)
~Vert's (In good Ole Austin!)

~Aunt Peggy got my ears pierced as an early birthday present when I was 7 years old.  Mother was NOT there!  I'll always be thankful for my first set of holes in my ears.
~I puked in front of Michael's craft store when I was maybe 9? years old and embarrassed the crap out of her.
~Peggy tried a shot of pure aloe vera juice just for me last November.  Yuck! She has been the only brave soul since that day to try it for me.

~She was the biggest supporter of my education.  She went to ALL of my graduations. Both college graduations, which others did not 'bother' with.  She even drove me to my first college to make sure that I was comfortable with the area and so that I could pick up my first semester books.
~ She was a huge supporter for my anonymous writings.
~ She was the best supporter of my blog, With Angela O'

Aunt Peggy Liked:
~1980's music
~Animals and the proper care for them

Aunt Peggy's Personal Enjoyments Included:
~Being in a pool league
~Visiting the animal shelter regularly.  She would take the animals fans in the summer and blankets in the winter.

At work Aunt Peggy was:
~ Reliable
~Was known for smiling at at everybody
~She made everyone feel good

At School
~Former Illinois Judge John Coady was one of Aunt Peggy's college instructors.  I heard that he said she was a great student and that he wished more students were like Peggy.
~She had 2 more classes to complete after this fall.  Then she planned to graduate with her associates.

Thoughts at Random
~She got me my first trapper keeper!  I think I was 8 years old. 
~She got me my Velcro catch ball  game in pink and green.

Her favorite car

Aunt Peggy and Angela at the zoo in 1986

Enjoying time with her favorite band, Theory of a Dead Man

Aunt Peggy, Angela O', Aunt Shirley

Aunt Peggy and Angela O'

Enjoying herself at Anhueser-Busch, November 9th 2012

Over time I will add more pictures as I find them.  Please check back.

~ With Angela O'

Pie Challenge #1: Strawberry Pie

This summer I have challenged myself to become a Pie Connoisseur, like my Gramma.  Gramma has always made the best pies in the world.  It is because of my Gramma that I am so picky and hold food to very high standards.  She has magic hands and wrists that make everything so delicious.

One of my favorite past times is making pies with Gramma.  She always let me cut the edge of the pie dough and make cinnamon rolls with the excess dough.  A.K.A. rugelachs which we didn't know what they were until 25 years later!  However, the last time I must have made a pie with Gramma was while I was in high school, I cannot remember for sure.  In two months I will be 30 and yet have never made a pie on my own. So hence my challenge.  I want to be like Gramma! So I am going to make tons and tons of pies this summer.  Starting with my very favorite pie, a midwestern favorite: Strawberry Pie.

A true Strawberry Pie does not have odd things in it like pudding or cake, it is a real fruit pie.  No pre-made gels are added to it.  It uses only fresh, handmade piecrust not store-purchased crust.  And for all of the Texans out there we are going to set the record straight...the crap that HEB call's strawberry pie at Mother's Day is NOT Strawberry Pie!!

I made this yesterday on the Summer Solstice.  A perfect remembrance to all those Junes that Gramma, Paw-Paw, and I would sit eating Strawberry Pie at the kitchen table in Illinois.

Gramma got me my first rolling pin

Gramma always let me poke the holes in the pie dough.  My favorite task.

Getting ready to spread the cool whip

xoxo hugs and quiches,

~ Angela O'

A sneak peak at our pie dough cinnamon rolls


I have been living off of pancakes since I was born.  They are one of the best foods in the world.  Comforting and delicious.  Thank you to my grandparents for introducing this important food into my existence.  As I entered adulthood I would make pancakes because they were a cheap staple on my grocery list.  I would purchase various brands of pancake mix sold in the breakfast aisle and cook them in a non-stick skillet, using Pam because that was just handy.  But truth be told the absolute best pancakes are made from Bisquick and cooked the traditional way in a cast-iron skillet with oil, thus getting crispy edges.  The cast-iron skillet and oil is the only way that my Gramma makes pancakes to this day.  In fact, I am not sure that she even owns a non-stick skillet.

To make them a little healthier I choose to use corn oil for cooking.  When mixing the ingredients I put in extra milk than what the recipe calls for because Bisquick makes a very thick batter.  Then I top them with a pat of real butter and Log Cabin Syrup.  

Bisquick Pancake from Betty Crocker:

2 cups Original Bisquick mix
1 cup milk
2 eggs


Sometimes I make half of the batter because it is only the two of us, other times I make the entire batch and put them in the fridge for the next day. 

How Long Is Too Long To Keep Email Conversations?

Seriously, when is it too long to keep an email conversation?  I am not talking about business conversations that one uses in there daily log but personal conversations.  I have the most silliest and shortest conversations ever from all my friends and family members in my personal email.  I am talking from like 2008 or before.  Help me!  Do I just trash those conversations as if I am trashing memories?  I don't know?  I don't ever go back and reread them.   I do want to reduce the ridiculous email clutter.  Help!!  Please give me your opinion.  It is rather odd that I have this little bit of inbox clutter since everything else about me almost OCD organized.  On the brighter note I do have them organized in folders, but honestly that is just as gross!

Dearest Rhonda Feltman, I do need your response on this one!!  Aunt Shirley and Allison Lemp you better offer up too!!

~ With Angela O'