Gift Wrapping

Not Gun Shy at Christmas

When it comes to wrapping gifts for Christmas, I am certainly not gun shy.  Each year I wrap hundreds of gifts (personal and professional) and it requires some creativity.  I certainly want each gift to look their best and be individualized.  However, when using the full glitter wrapping paper no matter how beautiful it may be it is complete pain in the next to work with.  Because of the layers of glitter and adhesive used in the manufacturing process of that wrapping paper roll it does not want to stay folded and even worse no tape will hold it in place.  That is when I pull out the big guns!  A hot glue gun, glue sticks, extension cord and poster board save the season.  I may come out with a few burns but I gotta do what is necessary!

Well, another trick to add to the list.  Check.

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Check out those perfect glitter folds!

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